The World Day of Italian Cinema has the main purpose to promote abroad, with the support of the diplomatic Consular network and the Italian Cultural Institutes, the high quality of Italian film production
The first World Day of Italian Cinema: an opportunity to give visibility to the works of Italian new filmmakers.
On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of Fellini’s birth, on 20th January 2020, the Parliamentary Intergroup Cinema and Performing Arts presented at a press conference in the Chamber of Deputies, the Parliamentary Resolution on the World Day of Italian Cinema, unanimously approved, which aims to give space to new authors and celebrate the great masters of cinema in our country.
The institution of the World Day of Italian Cinema
The institution of the World Day of Italian Cinema
In 2020 we have celebrated the first edition of the World Day of Italian Cinema. The event was born from resolution no. 7-000225, approved unanimously on 11th December 2019 by the joint commissions III (Foreign and Community Affairs) and VII (Culture, Science and Education). The resolution commits the cultural institutes and the Italian Embassies to give worldwide visibility to the works of new authors and to celebrate the great masters of our cinema.
The two editions at the time of the pandemic
During the editions of 2020 and 2021, the events took place in digital form, offering on the Rai Play platform and subsequently on the “Italian” channel of Farnesina, five short films selected by the Academy of Italian Cinema – David of Donatello Awards – which in that occasion were visible all over the world without limitations due to “geo-protection” and subtitled in English, French, and Spanish.
The parliamentary intergroup “Cinema and performing arts”
The Parliamentary Intergroup Cinema and Performing Arts, chaired by a Member of the Italian Parliament, Mr. Nicola Acunzo, is made up of about 60 parliamentarians from different political groups and is responsible for promoting and coordinating thematic activities and projects, including the “World Day of Italian Cinema”.
“Il supporto alla cinematografia emergente e la celebrazione delle indiscusse personalità del mondo dello spettacolo italiano rappresentano la mission dell’Intergruppo. La sensibilità delle Istituzioni nei confronti dei giovani diventa un appuntamento annuale ogni 20 gennaio, in occasione della nascita di Federico Fellini”.
– On. Nicola Acunzo, Presidente intergruppo parlamentare Cinema e Arti dello Spettacolo